At the beginning of His ministry, Jesus gathered His disciples. Andrew and Simon Peter were first. He said to them, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.” They followed, and the rest is history.
At the very end of His ministry, Jesus commanded His disciples to, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
He asked His disciples once to follow, and they did. But when He asked them to “Go…” He had to repeat himself, like a mother telling her kids, “Eat your vegetables!”
After His death and resurrection, His disciples were afraid and didn’t want to go anywhere. There are several gospel accounts of Jesus admonishing His disciples to “Go…” Matthew says they were on a mountain. Mark and Luke report they were eating a meal. John remembers they were in hiding.
Every believer ought to take the great commission seriously. Trouble getting started? Look at the disciples of Jesus. They too had trouble getting started. You are in good company.
I imagine Jesus saying, “Don’t you remember? I told you I would make you fishers of men? I did that. Now it’s time to get out there and do it. Get up! Go!”
Nothing is said of an immediate response. Did they ignore him? Did they act like teenagers sitting, watching TV, “Yeah, yeah, in a minute.”
Or did they reason with Jesus? “Lord, You might not know this. Soldiers are looking for You and want to crucify us as well!”
They seemed ready to return to their former lives as fishermen, tax collectors, and such. Did they want to quietly fit back into society? I get it, their fear must have been unbearable. Being fishers of men was looking impossible to them.
But what are fishers of men? They are:
• Evangelists – those who share the gospel of Christ
• Apologists – those who answer questions about God and give convincing reasons to follow Christ
• Missionaries – Christians sent to share the gospel of Christ (not all are sent to other countries)
• Ambassadors – an authorized messenger or representative
• Apostles – one sent (to share the gospel of Christ)
I know plenty of good Christians who think they could never be an evangelist or any of those other titles. Is it the same with you? Intimidated? Not your thing? Maybe you don’t know what to say? Jesus’ disciples had had three years with Jesus teaching them and they were still afraid and intimidated!
Here’s what I want to do for you if you’ll let me: I want to teach you what I know about being an Evangelist. I have created Evangelist Basic Training (EBT). There is no yelling, push-ups, or running, like the U.S. Marines.
I will teach you in small doses. One email about five minutes a day. I’m not adding another layer on your already busy schedule. I’m teaching you where to seamlessly add evangelism in what you already do. The techniques I teach will not be intimidating for you or the people you share the gospel with.
There will be some homework, but easy stuff, fun stuff. My basic training will feel like Vacation Bible School. But like military boot camp, you will learn basic evangelistic survival skills. What to say, and how to hold your own when sharing the gospel. And if you get stumped, I will be there to help you long after basic training ends.
Click here to sign up. You will say to yourself, “If signing up is this easy, then basic training is sure to be easy too.” After all, things are only difficult when you don’t know how to do them. EBT will take something that looks hard now, and in three weeks you’ll think, “That was easy.” (Staples Easy Button not included.)
Thank you for your announcement in church today. I probably fit the category of curious about evangelism, but I like the way you broke down the content of EBT in your announcement, so I signed up.
Thank you, Mary. It starts August 1st. You won’t be disappointed.